Click here to save the current picture into a TIFF file, and not save any other data. Enabled for pictures. Click here to save the current picture into a TIFF file, and not save any other data. Click here to save the current picture into an RLA file, and not save any other data. Enabled for pictures. Click here to save the current picture into an RLA file, and not save any other data. Click here to save the preferences only into the file, and not the document. Click here to save the compiled PF-key code only into the file, and not the document. Enabled for compiled PF-key code. Click here to save the compiled PF-key code only into the file, and not the document. Click here to save the pattern list only into the file, and not the document. Click here to save the palette only into the file, and not the document. Click here to save all available information Click here to reject entries without effect Click here to save the document only, and not any preference or other settings. Enabled for documents. Click here to save the document only, and not any preference or other settings.